Monday, March 16, 2020


Today as I sat in bed crying God spoke to me very loudly and said to me that I could not let the enemy defeat me. That he is here with me. I was starting to feel defeated and this sadness was starting to overcome my body. I was sad about accepting the reality that friends means friends and that I am stuck for a few days without being able to move. I am a person that loves to move around I cannot stand still. But because I sprained my ankle, pretty bad, I am stuck having to be still. This being stuck not being able to move made me see that the enemy is attacking me. Why? because God did not make us to be still. God made us to move around freely. And the enemy thought that by making me be still he would bring me back to darkness. Well his plan failed because God spoke to me. God  is showing me that I am strong and I don't need anyone to make me happy but him. I don't need to constantly be on the move. This is a good thing because now I can see the truth. My eyes have been open once again and I know that God is here. He is here to fight this battle with me and I will win.  So my sisters and brothers, sometimes being still is just what you need to see the truth of life. To see who truly cares about you and who is just being selfish. To see who is the only one who will always love you unconditionally. God!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Love Me

Today's message is a simple one. Love from God is unconditional. He loves all his children whether they are broken or not. God never gives up on you even when you make mistakes or become filled with darkness. Believe me when I say that he loves you. He loves you so much he send his son to die for us. So I wrote this poem called Love Me. And yesterday when I had this overwhelming feeling of sadness I sat in my prayer room and remembered that I wasn't alone that he was there with me crying and reminding me how much he loves me. I realized that I would be okay and that it was ok to cry and feel sad but that I had to remember to get back up and keep fighting. No more sadness or disappointment because God loves me and to him I am more than enough and he will always give more than 7 chances.

Loving Me
Your heart beats fast 
You’re love is so strong 
I can hear it like beating drums 
You love me even though I’m broken
You love me even though I’m weak
You’re love is unconditional to me
I fall on my knees crying, yelling , “God why do you love me!”
The voice whispers back to me, “ Because you are beautiful because I made you as a part of me!”
The light shines bright 
And I yell,  “ Thank you God for making me free!”
Thank you God for loving every single broken piece of me.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Cheer Up

Today's message is a simple one it came to me from Pastor Stevens video that I will link here. The message for today is to cheer up. Smile even when things get hard. Smile even when your heart is in pain. Smile because God will make you better. He can fill you with love. He is enough. Please watch this video really hit home to me.