I made a decision to share my story in this blog. I call this blog Awakening because that is what happened to me. I was awaken by the glory and spirit of God. I was lost in darkness and was looking to be happy by yearning and wanting peoples love. Now, after I lost one of the persons that brought me happiness I realize that happiness comes only from ourselves and God.
God needed a warrior so he is putting me through this trial to show people that out of darkness comes light. I hope that those that read my poems and writing see a warrior someone who isn't afraid to fight. I hope you see that there is hope even when you are in complete and udder darkness and you don't see the light. I hope that people realize that happiness doesn't come from traveling, people, or stuff it comes from self-love. People and things compliment your happiness but will never fully make you happy like God. I know that now after years of struggling with myself, with my mind. And even through this struggle I feel peace in my heart and courage to speak out. With that, I leave you with this poem called Warrior of God.
Warrior of God
"God, God!" I yelled and cried. God why have you abandoned me. I drank to see if the pain would go away. "God!," I said I still feel hurt I still feel pain! Then I finally gave up and cried for days and saw nothing but darkness Then a voice came and said, " Get up, don't give up, put on your shield, put on your armour!" The voice was mad the voice was hurt the voice was commanding me to " Get up and fight." Then the voice said " You are a warrior princess of God." I love you and the battle is not done it has just begun.
Wow wow Wow. I feel like that every single day of my life