Today's message from God to me is that no ones opinion will ever make me feel whole but his. He is the only one that knows my true heart and my true soul. To him I am perfect. Many years I let my self-doubt and need for peoples validation kill my true soul. I lost myself and my gifts because I wanted to please people and be loved by people. But today as I rode in my car to work, his message came through Pastor Steven. Pastor Steven said ,"Have you come to the point in your life when people stopped giving you the validation that you've needed? It might be that God is trying to point you back to Himself..."
This is when I realized that when we are the most lost and feel the most pain, that is when he makes us come back to him. He doesn't judge us for our mistakes, disappointment, nor foolishness. He opens his arms, forgives us, and remembers us for who we truly are. Once you feel this love then you do not need validation from anyone. I know now that I don't need people to validate me in order to feel loved. I know now that I am strong, beautiful, and that my soul is kind and no one can ever make me feel like I am not. God validates me and he pushes me to love myself. So yesterday, I painted this picture of the lake in peace because that is how my heart feels. Peaceful and full of love so I no longer yearn anyones love but his.
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